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AAPI Health Literature Database - Mental Health (see also Depression)

Gender, ethnicity, and physician-patient communication about depression and anxiety in primary care. Patient Education and Counseling 2002;48(3):243-252.

Abe-Kim J, Takeuchi D, Hwang WC. Predictors of help seeking for emotional distress among Chinese Americans: family matters. J Consult Clin Psychol 2002;70(5):1186-90.

Abright AR, Chung H. Depression in Asian American children. West J Med 2002;176(4):244-8.

Bae SW, Kung WW. Family intervention for Asian Americans with a schizophrenic patient in the family. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2000;70(4):532-41.

Beiser M, Hou F. Language acquisition, unemployment and depressive disorder among Southeast Asian refugees: A 10-year study. Social Science & Medicine 2001;53(10):1321.

Beiser M, Wickrama KA. Trauma, time and mental health: a study of temporal reintegration and Depressive Disorder among Southeast Asian refugees. Psychol Med 2004;34(5):899-910.

Bjorck JP, Cuthbertson W, Thurman JW, Lee YS. Ethnicity, coping, and distress among Korean Americans, Filipino Americans, and Caucasian Americans. J Soc Psychol 2001;141(4):421-42.

Burr J. Cultural stereotypes of women from South Asian communities: mental health care professionals' explanations for patterns of suicide and depression. Social Science & Medicine [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;55(5):835.

Chen JP, Barron C, Lin KM, Chung H. Prescribing medication for Asians with mental disorders. West J Med 2002;176(4):271-5.

Chen JP, Chen H, Chung H. Depressive disorders in Asian American adults. West J Med 2002;176(4):239-44.

Choi H, Stafford L, Meininger JC, Roberts RE, Smith DP. Psychometric properties of the DSM scale for depression (DSD) with Korean-American youths. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2002;23(8):735-56.

Choi KH, Wynne ME. Providing services to Asian Americans with developmental disabilities and their families: mainstream service providers' perspective. Community Ment Health J 2000;36(6):589-95.

Chow J. Asian American and Pacific Islander mental health and substance abuse agencies: organizational characteristics and service gaps. Adm Policy Ment Health 2002;30(1):79-86.

Chung KF, Chan JH. Can a less pejorative Chinese translation for schizophrenia reduce stigma? A study of adolescents' attitudes toward people with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004;58(5):507-15.

Constantine MG, Okazaki S, Utsey SO. Self-concealment, social self-efficacy, acculturative stress, and depression in African, Asian, and Latin American international college students. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2004;74(3):230-41.

Dai Y, Zhang S, Yamamoto J, Ao M, Belin TR, Cheung F, et al. Cognitive behavioral therapy of minor depressive symptoms in elderly Chinese Americans: a pilot study. Community Ment Health J 1999;35(6):537-42.

Diego AT, Yamamoto J, Nguyen LH, Hifumi SS. Suicide in the Elderly: Profiles of Asians and Whites. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1994;2(1):49-57.

Diwan S, Jonnalagadda SS, Balaswamy S. Resources predicting positive and negative affect during the experience of stress: a study of older Asian Indian immigrants in the United States. Gerontologist 2004;44(5):605-14.

Fan C. A comparison of attitudes towards mental illness and knowledge of mental health services between Australian and Asian students. Community Mental Health Journal [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1999;35(1):47.

Furnham A, Shiekh S. Gender, generational and social support correlates of mental health in Asian immigrants. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1993;39(1):22.

Gee CB. Assessment of anxiety and depression in Asian American youth. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2004;33(2):269-71.

Grandinetti A, Kaholokula JK, Crabbe KM, Kenui CK, Chen R, Chang HK. Relationship between depressive symptoms and diabetes among native Hawaiians. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2000;25(3):239-46.

Green G, Bradby H, Chan A, Lee M, Eldridge K. Is the English National Health Service meeting the needs of mentally distressed Chinese women? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2002;7(4):216-221.

Herrick CA, Brown HN. Underutilization of mental health services by Asian-Americans residing in the United States. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1998;19(3):225-40.

Hu Tw T, Snowden LR, Jerrell JM, Kang SH. Public Mental Health Services to Asian American Ethnic Groups in Two California Counties. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1993;1(1):79-90.

Hwang WC, Myers HF, Takeuchi DT. Psychosocial predictors of first-onset depression in Chinese Americans. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2000;35(3):133-45.

Judd NL, Griffith WC, Faustman EM. Consideration of cultural and lifestyle factors in defining susceptible populations for environmental disease. Toxicology 2004;198(1-3):121-33.

Kim SY, Ge X. Parenting practices and adolescent depressive symptoms in Chinese American families. J Fam Psychol 2000;14(3):420-35.

Kim Y. The role of cognitive control in mediating the effect of stressful circumstances among Korean immigrants. Health Soc Work 2002;27(1):36-46.

Kramer EJ, Kwong K, Lee E, Chung H. Cultural factors influencing the mental health of Asian Americans. West J Med 2002;176(4):227-31.

Kunkel EJ, Kim JS, Hann HW, Oyesanmi O, Menefee LA, Field HL, et al. Depression in Korean immigrants with hepatitis B and related liver diseases. Psychosomatics 2000;41(6):472-80.

Kuo CL, Kavanagh KH. Chinese perspectives on culture and mental health. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1994;15(6):551-67.

Leong FT, Lau AS. Barriers to providing effective mental health services to Asian Americans. Ment Health Serv Res 2001;3(4):201-14.

Leong FTL. Guest Editor's Introduction to a Special Issue: Barriers to Providing Effective Mental Health Services to Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States. Mental Health Services Research 2001;3(4):179-180.

Li PL, Logan S, Yee L, Ng S. Barriers to meeting the mental health needs of the Chinese community. J Public Health Med 1999;21(1):74-80.

Lin KM, Cheung F. Mental health issues for Asian Americans. Psychiatr Serv 1999;50(6):774-80.

Liu X, He G, Wang X, Chen Q, Qian X, Lin W, et al. Association of DAAO with schizophrenia in the Chinese population. Neurosci Lett 2004;369(3):228-33.

Lu FG. The poor mental health care of Asian Americans. West J Med 2002;176(4):224.

Mitchell P, Malak A, Small D. Bilingual professionals in community mental health services. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1998;32(3):424-33.

Nakashima J, Wong MM. Characteristics of alcohol consumption, correlates of alcohol misuse among Korean American adolescents. J Drug Educ 2000;30(3):343-59.

Oh Y, Koeske GF, Sales E. Acculturation, stress, and depressive symptoms among Korean immigrants in the United States. J Soc Psychol 2002;142(4):511-26.

Okazaki S. Treatment delay among Asian-American patients with severe mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2000;70(1):58.

Okazaki S, Liu JF, Longworth SL, Minn JY. Asian American-white American differences in expressions of social anxiety: a replication and extension. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 2002;8(3):234-47.

Ong AD, Phinney JS. Personal goals and depression among Vietnamese American and European American young adults: a mediational analysis. J Soc Psychol 2002;142(1):97-108.

Otsuki TA. Substance use, self-esteem, and depression among Asian American adolescents. J Drug Educ 2003;33(4):369-90.

Phan T, Steel Z, Silove D. An ethnographically derived measure of anxiety, depression and somatization: the Phan Vietnamese Psychiatric Scale. Transcult Psychiatry 2004;41(2):200-32.

Pinhey TK, Millman SR. Asian/Pacific Islander adolescent sexual orientation and suicide risk in Guam. Am J Public Health 2004;94(7):1204-6.

Shapiro J, Douglas K, Rocha Odl, Radecki S, al e. Generational differences in psychosocial adaptation and predictors of psychological distress in a population of recent Vietnamese immigrants. Journal of Community Health 1999;24(2):95.

Shen BJ, Stroud LR, Niaura R. Ethnic differences in cardiovascular responses to laboratory stress: a comparison between asian and white americans. Int J Behav Med 2004;11(3):181-6.

Shen BJ, Takeuchi DT. A structural model of acculturation and mental health status among Chinese Americans. Am J Community Psychol 2001;29(3):387-418.

Shin SK, Lukens EP. Effects of psychoeducation for Korean Americans with chronic mental illness. Psychiatr Serv 2002;53(9):1125-31.

Shinn A. Panel on Mental Health Concerns for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1996;4(1-3):207-208.

Singh NN, McKay JD, Singh AN. The need for cultural brokers in mental health services. Journal of Child and Family Studies [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1999;8(1):1.

Spencer MS, Chen J. Effect of discrimination on mental health service utilization among Chinese Americans. Am J Public Health 2004;94(5):809-14.

Stokes SC, Thompson LW, Murphy S, Gallagher-Thompson D. Screening for depression in immigrant Chinese-American elders: Results of a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 2001;36(1-2):27.

Suen LJ, Tusaie K. Is somatization a significant depressive symptom in older Taiwanese Americans? Geriatr Nurs 2004;25(3):157-63.

Tabora BL, Flaskerud JH. Mental health beliefs, practices, and knowledge of Chinese American immigrant women. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1997;18(3):173-89.

Takeshita J, Masaki K, Ahmed I, Foley DJ, Li YQ, Chen R, et al. Are depressive symptoms a risk factor for mortality in elderly Japanese American men?: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159(7):1127-32.

Takeuchi D, Chun C-A, Gong F, Shen H. Cultural expressions of distress. Health: 2002;6(2):221-235.

Takeuchi DT, Kramer EJ. Mental health services research in Asian Americans. West J Med 2002;176(4):225-6.

Tang CS-k, Lee AM, Tang T, Cheung FM, Chan C. Role occupancy, role quality, and psychological distress in Chinese women. Women & Health 2002;36(1):49.

Trautman R, Tucker P, Pfefferbaum B, Lensgraf SJ, al e. Effects of prior trauma and age on posttraumatic stress symptoms in Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants after terrorism in the community. Community Mental Health Journal 2002;38(6):459.

Um CC, Dancy BL. Relationship between coping strategies and depression among employed Korean immigrant wives. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1999;20(5):485-94.

Uppaluri CR, Schumm LP, Lauderdale DS. Self-reports of stress in Asian immigrants: effects of ethnicity and acculturation. Ethn Dis 2001;11(1):107-14.

Williams JK, Goebert D, Hishinuma E, Miyamoto R, Anzai N, Izutsu S, et al. A conceptual model of cultural predictors of anxiety among Japanese American and part-Japanese American adolescents. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 2002;8(4):320-33.

Wing SD. Asian-American mental health and help-seeking behavior: comment on Solberg et al. (1994), Tata and Leong (1994), and Lin (1994). Journal of Counseling Psychology [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1994;41:292.

Wong FY, Campsmith ML, Nakamura GV, Crepaz N, Begley E. HIV testing and awareness of care-related services among a group of HIV-positive Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States: findings from a supplemental HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project. AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(5):440-7.

Wong YL, Tsang AK. When Asian immigrant women speak: from mental health to strategies of being. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2004;74(4):456-66.

Woo BS, Chang WC, Fung DS, Koh JB, Leong JS, Kee CH, et al. Development and validation of a depression scale for Asian adolescents. J Adolesc 2004;27(6):677-89.

Yeung A. Depression among young Asian Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(2):192-195.

Yeung A, Chang D, Gresham RL, Jr., Nierenberg AA, Fava M. Illness beliefs of depressed Chinese American patients in primary care. J Nerv Ment Dis 2004;192(4):324-7.

Yeung A, Howarth S, Chan R, Sonawalla S, Nierenberg AA, Fava M. Use of the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory for screening depression in primary care. J Nerv Ment Dis 2002;190(2):94-9.

Yeung A, Neault N, Sonawalla S, Howarth S, Fava M, Nierenberg AA. Screening for major depression in Asian-Americans: a comparison of the Beck and the Chinese Depression Inventory. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002;105(4):252-7.

Ying YW, Lee PA, Tsai JL, Yeh YY, Huang JS. The conception of depression in Chinese American college students. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 2000;6(2):183-95.

Ying YW, Hu LT. Public outpatient mental health services: Use and outcome among Asian Americans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1994;64(3):448.

Yoshihama M. Battered women's coping strategies and psychological distress: differences by immigration status. Am J Community Psychol 2002;30(3):429-52.

Yoshikawa H, Wilson PA, Chae DH, Cheng JF. Do family and friendship networks protect against the influence of discrimination on mental health and HIV risk among Asian and Pacific Islander gay men? AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(1):84-100.

Ziguras S, Klimidis S, Lewis J, Stuart G. Ethnic matching of clients and clinicians and use of mental health services by ethnic minority clients. Psychiatr Serv 2003;54(4):535-41.

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