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accessbarrier.CursorType = 0; accessbarrier.CursorLocation = 2; accessbarrier.LockType = 1; accessbarrier.Open(); var accessbarrier_numRows = 0; %> <% var Repeat1__numRows = 15; var Repeat1__index = 0; accessbarrier_numRows += Repeat1__numRows; %> <% // *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables // set the record count var accessbarrier_total = accessbarrier.RecordCount; // set the number of rows displayed on this page if (accessbarrier_numRows < 0) { // if repeat region set to all records accessbarrier_numRows = accessbarrier_total; } else if (accessbarrier_numRows == 0) { // if no repeat regions accessbarrier_numRows = 1; } // set the first and last displayed record var accessbarrier_first = 1; var accessbarrier_last = accessbarrier_first + accessbarrier_numRows - 1; // if we have the correct record count, check the other stats if (accessbarrier_total != -1) { accessbarrier_numRows = Math.min(accessbarrier_numRows, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_last, accessbarrier_total); } %> <% // *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record count, manually count them if (accessbarrier_total == -1) { // count the total records by iterating through the recordset for (accessbarrier_total=0; !accessbarrier.EOF; accessbarrier.MoveNext()) { accessbarrier_total++; } // reset the cursor to the beginning if (accessbarrier.CursorType > 0) { if (!accessbarrier.BOF) accessbarrier.MoveFirst(); } else { accessbarrier.Requery(); } // set the number of rows displayed on this page if (accessbarrier_numRows < 0 || accessbarrier_numRows > accessbarrier_total) { accessbarrier_numRows = accessbarrier_total; } // set the first and last displayed record accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_first + accessbarrier_numRows - 1, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, accessbarrier_total); } %> <% var MM_paramName = ""; %> <% // *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables var MM_rs = accessbarrier; 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i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } if (MM_rs.EOF) MM_offset = i; // set MM_offset to the last possible record } %> <% // *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range if (MM_rsCount == -1) { // walk to the end of the display range for this page for (var i=MM_offset; !MM_rs.EOF && (MM_size < 0 || i < MM_offset + MM_size); i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } // if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size if (MM_rs.EOF) { MM_rsCount = i; if (MM_size < 0 || MM_size > MM_rsCount) MM_size = MM_rsCount; } // if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size if (MM_rs.EOF && !MM_paramIsDefined) { if ((MM_rsCount % MM_size) != 0) { // last page not a full repeat region MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount % MM_size); } else { MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size; } } // reset the cursor to the beginning if (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) { if (!MM_rs.BOF) MM_rs.MoveFirst(); } else { MM_rs.Requery(); } // move the cursor to the selected record for (var i=0; !MM_rs.EOF && i < MM_offset; i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } } %> <% // *** Move To Record: update recordset stats // set the first and last displayed record accessbarrier_first = MM_offset + 1; accessbarrier_last = MM_offset + MM_size; if (MM_rsCount != -1) { accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, MM_rsCount); accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_last, MM_rsCount); } // set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record MM_atTotal = (MM_rsCount != -1 && MM_offset + MM_size >= MM_rsCount); %> <% // *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters // create the list of parameters which should not be maintained var MM_removeList = "&index="; if (MM_paramName != "") MM_removeList += "&" + MM_paramName.toLowerCase() + "="; var MM_keepURL="",MM_keepForm="",MM_keepBoth="",MM_keepNone=""; // add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string for (var items=new Enumerator(Request.QueryString); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext()) { var nextItem = "&" + items.item().toLowerCase() + "="; if (MM_removeList.indexOf(nextItem) == -1) { MM_keepURL += "&" + items.item() + "=" + Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(items.item())); } } // add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm string for (var items=new Enumerator(Request.Form); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext()) { var nextItem = "&" + items.item().toLowerCase() + "="; if (MM_removeList.indexOf(nextItem) == -1) { MM_keepForm += "&" + items.item() + "=" + Server.URLencode(Request.Form(items.item())); } } // create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL + MM_keepForm; if (MM_keepBoth.length > 0) MM_keepBoth = MM_keepBoth.substring(1); if (MM_keepURL.length > 0) MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL.substring(1); if (MM_keepForm.length > 0) MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm.substring(1); %> <% // *** Move To Record: set the strings for the first, last, next, and previous links var MM_moveFirst="",MM_moveLast="",MM_moveNext="",MM_movePrev=""; var MM_keepMove = MM_keepBoth; // keep both Form and URL parameters for moves var MM_moveParam = "index"; // if the page has a repeated region, remove 'offset' from the maintained parameters if (MM_size > 1) { MM_moveParam = "offset"; if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) { params = MM_keepMove.split("&"); MM_keepMove = ""; for (var i=0; i < params.length; i++) { var nextItem = params[i].substring(0,params[i].indexOf("=")); if (nextItem.toLowerCase() != MM_moveParam) { MM_keepMove += "&" + params[i]; } } if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) MM_keepMove = MM_keepMove.substring(1); } } // set the strings for the move to links if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) MM_keepMove += "&"; var urlStr = Request.ServerVariables("URL") + "?" + MM_keepMove + MM_moveParam + "="; MM_moveFirst = urlStr + "0"; MM_moveLast = urlStr + "-1"; MM_moveNext = urlStr + (MM_offset + MM_size); MM_movePrev = urlStr + Math.max(MM_offset - MM_size,0); %> AAPI Health Literature Database

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AAPI Health Literature Database - Depression

Gender, ethnicity, and physician-patient communication about depression and anxiety in primary care. Patient Education and Counseling 2002;48(3):243-252.

Abright AR, Chung H. Depression in Asian American children. West J Med 2002;176(4):244-8.

Beiser M, Hou F. Language acquisition, unemployment and depressive disorder among Southeast Asian refugees: A 10-year study. Social Science & Medicine 2001;53(10):1321.

Beiser M, Wickrama KA. Trauma, time and mental health: a study of temporal reintegration and Depressive Disorder among Southeast Asian refugees. Psychol Med 2004;34(5):899-910.

Burr J. Cultural stereotypes of women from South Asian communities: mental health care professionals' explanations for patterns of suicide and depression. Social Science & Medicine [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;55(5):835.

Chen JP, Chen H, Chung H. Depressive disorders in Asian American adults. West J Med 2002;176(4):239-44.

Choi H, Stafford L, Meininger JC, Roberts RE, Smith DP. Psychometric properties of the DSM scale for depression (DSD) with Korean-American youths. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2002;23(8):735-56.

Constantine MG, Okazaki S, Utsey SO. Self-concealment, social self-efficacy, acculturative stress, and depression in African, Asian, and Latin American international college students. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2004;74(3):230-41.

Dai Y, Zhang S, Yamamoto J, Ao M, Belin TR, Cheung F, et al. Cognitive behavioral therapy of minor depressive symptoms in elderly Chinese Americans: a pilot study. Community Ment Health J 1999;35(6):537-42.

Gee CB. Assessment of anxiety and depression in Asian American youth. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2004;33(2):269-71.

Grandinetti A, Kaholokula JK, Crabbe KM, Kenui CK, Chen R, Chang HK. Relationship between depressive symptoms and diabetes among native Hawaiians. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2000;25(3):239-46.

Hwang WC, Myers HF, Takeuchi DT. Psychosocial predictors of first-onset depression in Chinese Americans. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2000;35(3):133-45.

Kim SY, Ge X. Parenting practices and adolescent depressive symptoms in Chinese American families. J Fam Psychol 2000;14(3):420-35.

Kunkel EJ, Kim JS, Hann HW, Oyesanmi O, Menefee LA, Field HL, et al. Depression in Korean immigrants with hepatitis B and related liver diseases. Psychosomatics 2000;41(6):472-80.

Nakashima J, Wong MM. Characteristics of alcohol consumption, correlates of alcohol misuse among Korean American adolescents. J Drug Educ 2000;30(3):343-59.

Oh Y, Koeske GF, Sales E. Acculturation, stress, and depressive symptoms among Korean immigrants in the United States. J Soc Psychol 2002;142(4):511-26.

Ong AD, Phinney JS. Personal goals and depression among Vietnamese American and European American young adults: a mediational analysis. J Soc Psychol 2002;142(1):97-108.

Otsuki TA. Substance use, self-esteem, and depression among Asian American adolescents. J Drug Educ 2003;33(4):369-90.

Phan T, Steel Z, Silove D. An ethnographically derived measure of anxiety, depression and somatization: the Phan Vietnamese Psychiatric Scale. Transcult Psychiatry 2004;41(2):200-32.

Stokes SC, Thompson LW, Murphy S, Gallagher-Thompson D. Screening for depression in immigrant Chinese-American elders: Results of a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 2001;36(1-2):27.

Suen LJ, Tusaie K. Is somatization a significant depressive symptom in older Taiwanese Americans? Geriatr Nurs 2004;25(3):157-63.

Takeshita J, Masaki K, Ahmed I, Foley DJ, Li YQ, Chen R, et al. Are depressive symptoms a risk factor for mortality in elderly Japanese American men?: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159(7):1127-32.

Um CC, Dancy BL. Relationship between coping strategies and depression among employed Korean immigrant wives. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1999;20(5):485-94.

Woo BS, Chang WC, Fung DS, Koh JB, Leong JS, Kee CH, et al. Development and validation of a depression scale for Asian adolescents. J Adolesc 2004;27(6):677-89.

Yeung A. Depression among young Asian Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(2):192-195.

Yeung A, Chang D, Gresham RL, Jr., Nierenberg AA, Fava M. Illness beliefs of depressed Chinese American patients in primary care. J Nerv Ment Dis 2004;192(4):324-7.

Yeung A, Howarth S, Chan R, Sonawalla S, Nierenberg AA, Fava M. Use of the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory for screening depression in primary care. J Nerv Ment Dis 2002;190(2):94-9.

Yeung A, Neault N, Sonawalla S, Howarth S, Fava M, Nierenberg AA. Screening for major depression in Asian-Americans: a comparison of the Beck and the Chinese Depression Inventory. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002;105(4):252-7.

Ying YW, Lee PA, Tsai JL, Yeh YY, Huang JS. The conception of depression in Chinese American college students. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 2000;6(2):183-95.

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