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AAPI Health Literature Database - Women

Pregnancy-related deaths among Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women--United States, 1991-1997. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2001;50(18):361-4.

Women's Health USA 2003. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau; 2003.

Affonso DD, Korenbrot CC, De AK, Mayberry LJ. Use of Care, Outcomes and Costs of a Culturally-based Perinatal Program for Asian American and Pacific Islander Women in Hawaii. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(1):10-24.

Ahmad F, Stewart DE. Predictors of clinical breast examination among South Asian immigrant women. J Immigr Health 2004;6(3):119-26.

Anderson AS, Bush H, Lean M, Bradby H, Williams R, Lea E. Evolution of atherogenic diets in South Asian and Italian women after migration to a higher risk region. J Hum Nutr Diet 2005;18(1):33-43.

Arnsberger P, Nussey B, Fox P, Breuer W. Cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer among Asian Pacific Islander women in a cervical cancer screening program. Health Care Women Int 2002;23(5):450-9.

Ashing-Giwa KT, Padilla G, Tejero J, Kraemer J, Wright K, Coscarelli A, et al. Understanding the breast cancer experience of women: a qualitative study of African American, Asian American, Latina and Caucasian cancer survivors. Psychooncology 2004;13(6):408-28.

Bauer HM, Rodriguez MA, Quiroga SS, Flores-Ortiz YG. Barriers to health care for abused Latina and Asian immigrant women. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2000;11(1):33-44.

Bernstein J, Mutschler P, Bernstein E. Keeping mammography referral appointments: motivation, health beliefs, and access barriers experienced by older minority women. Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health 2000;45(4):308-313.

Betancourt JR, Jacobs EA. Language barriers to informed consent and confidentiality: the impact on women's health. J Am Med Womens Assoc 2000;55(5):294-5.

Blaisdell-Brennan HK, Goebert D. Health care utilization among women on O'ahu: implications for Native Hawaiian women. Pac Health Dialog 2001;8(2):274-9.

Bodnar LM, Scanlon KS, Freedman DS, Siega-Riz AM, Cogswell ME. High prevalence of postpartum anemia among low-income women in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185(2):438-43.

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Bottorff JL, Johnson JL, Venables LJ, Grewal S, Popatia N, Hilton BA, et al. Voices of immigrant South Asian women: expressions of health concerns. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2001;12(4):392-403.

Burgel BJ, Lashuay N, Israel L, Harrison R. Garment workers in California: health outcomes of the Asian Immigrant Women Workers Clinic. Aaohn J 2004;52(11):465-75.

Burr J. Cultural stereotypes of women from South Asian communities: mental health care professionals' explanations for patterns of suicide and depression. Social Science & Medicine [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;55(5):835.

Carey Jackson J, Taylor VM, Chitnarong K, Mahloch J, Fischer M, Sam R, et al. Development of a cervical cancer control intervention program for Cambodian American women. J Community Health 2000;25(5):359-75.

Chen JY, Diamant AL, Kagawa-Singer M, Pourat N, Wold C. Disaggregating data on Asian and Pacific Islander women to assess cancer screening. Am J Prev Med 2004;27(2):139-45.

Chen WT, Bakken S. Breast cancer knowledge assessment in female Chinese immigrants in New York. Cancer Nurs 2004;27(5):407-12.

Chin D. HIV-related sexual risk assessment among Asian/Pacific islander American women: An inductive model. Social Science & Medicine 1999;49(2):241.

Chohayeb AA, Volpe AR, Henley GL. Oral health status of Asian and Hispanic women. A pilot study. N Y State Dent J 2002;68(1):34-7.

Choudhry UK, Srivastava R, Fitch MI. Breast cancer detection practices of south Asian women: knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Oncol Nurs Forum 1998;25(10):1693-701.

Chu WC, Lam WW, Pang AL, So NM, Tang AP, Tse GM, et al. Computer-assisted detection as a second reader in symptomatic Asian women with palpable breast cancer. Acta Radiol 2004;45(2):148-53.

Chui SY, Lyerly HK. Disparities in breast carcinoma treatment in Asian/Pacific Islander women. A challenge to the provider. Cancer 2002;95(11):2257-9.

Cooper M, Loue S, Lloyd LS. Perceived susceptibility to HIV infection among Asian and Pacific Islander women in San Diego. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2001;12(2):208-23.

Cornelius LJ, Smith PL, Simpson GM. What factors hinder women of color from obtaining preventive health care? American Journal of Public Health 2002;92(4):535.

Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ. Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Asian and Pacific Islander women in the United States, 1994-1997. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9(6):597-603.

Deapen D, Liu L, Perkins C, Bernstein L, Ross RK. Rapidly rising breast cancer incidence rates among Asian-American women. Int J Cancer 2002;99(5):747-50.

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Falk RT, Fears TR, Hoover RN, Pike MC, Wu AH, Nomura AM, et al. Does place of birth influence endogenous hormone levels in Asian-American women? Br J Cancer 2002;87(1):54-60.

Fary CM, Ramona R, Catherine V. Barriers to treatment for eating disorders among ethnically diverse women. International Journal of Eating Disorders [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2001;30(3):269.

Fielding R, Lam WW. Measuring social impacts of breast carcinoma treatment in Chinese women. Cancer 2004;100(12):2500-11.

Fikree FF, Pasha O. Role of gender in health disparity: the South Asian context. Bmj 2004;328(7443):823-6.

Fuddy LJ, Prince CB, Tang MC. Perinatal substance use among high risk women in Hawaii: patterns and impact on pregnancy outcomes. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2003;10(1):50-7.

Gilani GM, Kamal S. Risk factors for breast cancer in Pakistani women aged less than 45 years. Ann Hum Biol 2004;31(4):398-407.

Gotay CC, Banner RO, Matsunaga DS, Hedlund N, Enos R, Issell BF, et al. Impact of a culturally appropriate intervention on breast and cervical screening among native Hawaiian women. Prev Med 2000;31(5):529-37.

Green G, Bradby H, Chan A, Lee M, Eldridge K. Is the English National Health Service meeting the needs of mentally distressed Chinese women? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2002;7(4):216-221.

Greenberg EL, Perz M, Sockalingam S, Hayes M. Multicultural maternal and child health outreach: Washington State strategies to assure access for Asian and Pacific Islander women and children. J Public Health Manag Pract 1996;2(3):66-71.

Han Y, Williams RD, Harrison RA. Breast cancer screening knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Korean American women. Oncol Nurs Forum 2000;27(10):1585-91.

Hargraves M. Elevating the voices of rural minority women. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;92(4):514.

Hedeen AN, White E, Taylor V. Ethnicity and birthplace in relation to tumor size and stage in Asian American women with breast cancer. American Journal of Public Health 1999;89(8):1248.

Hernandez MT, Klausner JD, McFarland W, Wong E, Bolan G, Molitor F, et al. Hepatitis B prevalence in young women living in low-income areas: the population-based San Francisco Bay area's Young Women's Survey. Sex Transm Dis 2000;27(9):539-44.

Hislop TG, Deschamps M, Teh C, Jackson C, Tu SP, Yasui Y, et al. Facilitators and barriers to cervical cancer screening among Chinese Canadian women. Can J Public Health 2003;94(1):68-73.

Howard BV, Criqui MH, Curb JD, Rodabough R, Safford MM, Santoro N, et al. Risk factor clustering in the insulin resistance syndrome and its relationship to cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal white, black, hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander women. Metabolism 2003;52(3):362-71.

Hsia J, Wu L, Allen C, Oberman A, Lawson WE, Torrens J, et al. Physical activity and diabetes risk in postmenopausal women. Am J Prev Med 2005;28(1):19-25.

Jackson JC, Taylor VM, Chitnarong K, Mahloch J, Fischer M, Sam R, et al. Development of a Cervical Cancer Control Intervention Program for Cambodian American Women. Journal of Community Health 2000;25(5):359-375.

Jemmott LS, Maula EC, Bush E. Hearing our voices: assessing HIV prevention needs among Asian and Pacific Islander women. J Transcult Nurs 1999;10(2):102-11.

Jones PS, Jaceldo KB, Lee JR, Zhang XE, Meleis AI. Role integration and perceived health in Asian American women caregivers. Res Nurs Health 2001;24(2):133-44.

Jones SG, Messmer PR, Charron SA, Parns M. HIV-Positive Women and Minority Patients' Satisfaction with Inpatient Hospital Care. AIDS PATIENT CARE and STDs 2002;16(3):127-134.

Juon HS, Choi Y, Kim MT. Cancer screening behaviors among Korean-American women. Cancer Detect Prev 2000;24(6):589-601.

Kass-Bartelmes BL, Altman BM. Disparities and Gender Gaps in Women’s Health, 1996. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2001.

Kawamura T, Egusa G, Fujikawa R, Okubo M. Beta(3)-adrenergic receptor gene variant is associated with upper body obesity only in obese Japanese-American men but not in women. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2001;54(1):49-55.

Kim YA, Lee CW. Effects of obesity on breast cancer stage at diagnosis in Korean women. Eur J Cancer Prev 2004;13(1):13-7.

Kisjanto J, Bonneux L, Prihartono J, Ranakusuma TA, Grobbee DE. Risk Factors for Stroke among Urbanised Indonesian Women of Reproductive Age: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study. Cerebrovasc Dis 2005;19(1):18-22.

Koff E, Benavage A, Wong B. Body-image attitudes and psychosocial functioning in Euro-American and Asian-American college women. Psychol Rep 2001;88(3 Pt 1):917-28.

Kudo Y, Falciglia GA, Couch SC. Evolution of meal patterns and food choices of Japanese-American females born in the United States. Eur J Clin Nutr 2000;54(8):665-70.

Kyung-Hee C, Johnston RK, Cynthia G. Facilitators and barriers to use of the female condom: qualitative interviews with women of diverse ethnicity. Women & Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1999;29(1):53.

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Liang W, Yuan E, Mandelblatt JS, Pasick RJ. How do older Chinese women view health and cancer screening? Results from focus groups and implications for interventions. Ethn Health 2004;9(3):283-304.

Lieberman LS, Stoller EP, Burg MA. Women's health care: cross-cultural encounters within the medical system. J Fla Med Assoc 1997;84(6):364-73.

Luczak SE, Elvine-Kreis B, Shea SH, Carr LG, Wall TL. Genetic risk for alcoholism relates to level of response to alcohol in Asian-American men and women. J Stud Alcohol 2002;63(1):74-82.

Mackelvie KJ, McKay HA, Khan KM, Crocker PR. Lifestyle risk factors for osteoporosis in Asian and Caucasian girls. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2001;33(11):1818-24.

Mannami T, Iso H, Baba S, Sasaki S, Okada K, Konishi M, et al. Cigarette smoking and risk of stroke and its subtypes among middle-aged Japanese men and women: the JPHC Study Cohort I. Stroke 2004;35(6):1248-53.

Maskarinec G, Lyu LC, Meng L, Theriault A, Ursin G. Determinants of mammographic densities among women of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Caucasian ancestry. Ethn Dis 2001;11(1):44-50.

Maxwell AE, Bastani R, Vida P, Warda US. Physical activity among older Filipino-American women. Women & Health 2002;36(1):67.

Mays VM, Yancey AK, Cochran SD. Heterogeneity of health disparities among African American, Hispanic, and Asian American women: unrecognized influences of sexual orientation. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;92(4):632.

Mishra SI, Luce PH, Hubbell FA. Breast Cancer Screening among American Samoan Women. Preventive Medicine 2001;33(1):9-17.

Miyakoshi K, Tanaka M, Matsumoto T, Hattori Y, Ueno K, Teranishi T, et al. Hypertensive disorders in Japanese women with gestational glucose intolerance. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2004;64(3):201-5.

Miyatake N, Takanami S, Kawasaki Y, Fujii M. Relationship between visceral fat accumulation and physical fitness in Japanese women. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2004;64(3):173-9.

Morling B, Kitayama S, Miyamoto Y. American and Japanese women use different coping strategies during normal pregnancy. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003;29(12):1533-46.

Moskowitz JM, Kazinets G, Tager IB, al e. Breast- and Cervical-Cancer Screening Among Korean Women --- Santa Clara County, California, 1994 and 2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2004 August 27, 2004:765-767.

Nakamura K. Secondary prevention of breast cancer in female Japanese citizens residing in the USA. J Cult Divers 2001;8(2):41-4.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Keatley J, Han L, Soma T. HIV risk behaviors among male-to-female transgender persons of color in San Francisco. Am J Public Health 2004;94(7):1193-9.

Nguyen T, McPhee S, Lam T, Mock J. Predictors of cervical Pap smear screening awareness, intention, and receipt among Vietnamese-American women. Am J Prev Med 2002;23(3):207.

Nguyen T, Vo PH, McPhee SJ, Jenkins CN. Promoting early detection of breast cancer among Vietnamese-American women. Results of a controlled trial. Cancer 2001;91(1 Suppl):267-73.

Perez C. Guam: the role of people living with HIV / AIDS in the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STD in the Pacific. Pac AIDS Alert Bull 2000(19):10.

Pinhey TK, Iverson TJ, Workman RL. The influence of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on the use of mammography by Asian and Pacific Island women on Guam. Women & Health 1994;21(2-3):57.

Polek C, Klemm P, Hardie T, Wheeler E, Birney M, Lynch K. Asian/Pacific Islander American women: age and death rates during hospitalization for breast cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum 2004;31(4):E69-74.

Prehn AW, Topol B, Stewart S, Glaser SL, O'Connor L, West DW. Differences in treatment patterns for localized breast carcinoma among Asian/Pacific islander women. Cancer 2002;95(11):2268-75.

Probst-Hensch NM, Pike MC, McKean-Cowdin R, Stanczyk FZ, Kolonel LN, Henderson BE. Ethnic differences in post-menopausal plasma oestrogen levels: high oestrone levels in Japanese-American women despite low weight. Br J Cancer 2000;82(11):1867-70.

Raj A, Silverman JG. Immigrant South Asian women at greater risk for injury from intimate partner violence. Am J Public Health 2003;93(3):435-7.

Rashidi A, Rajaram SS. Culture care conflicts among Asian-Islamic immigrant women in US hospitals. Holist Nurs Pract 2001;16(1):55-64.

Regan J, Lefkowitz B, Gaston MH. Cancer Screening Among Community Health Center Women: Eliminating the Gaps. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 1999;22(4):45-52.

Reid PT. Women, Ethnicity, and AIDS: What's Love Got to Do with It? Sex Roles 2000;42(7/8):709-722.

Reilley BA. The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program and Asian/Pacific Islander Women. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1998;6(2):378-381.

Rice MM, Larson EB, LaCroix AZ, Drinkwater BL. Diagnosing osteoporosis in Japanese American women. Am J Med 2001;110(3):241-2.

Rice PL. When the Baby Falls!: The Cultural Construction of Miscarriage Among Hmong Women in Australia. Women & Health 1999;30(1):85.

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Sadler GR, Dhanjal SK, Shah NB, Shah RB, Ko C, Anghel M, et al. Asian Indian women: knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward breast cancer early detection. Public Health Nurs 2001;18(5):357-63.

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