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} %> <% var accessbarrier__MMColParam6 = "outreach"; if (String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "undefined" && String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "") { accessbarrier__MMColParam6 = String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")); } %> <% var accessbarrier__MMColParam7 = "language"; if (String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "undefined" && String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "") { accessbarrier__MMColParam7 = String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")); } %> <% var accessbarrier__MMColParam8 = "communication"; if (String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "undefined" && String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")) != "") { accessbarrier__MMColParam8 = String(Request("MM_EmptyValue")); } %> <% var accessbarrier = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); accessbarrier.ActiveConnection = MM_lit_STRING; accessbarrier.Source = "SELECT * FROM AAPI_HEALTH_LIT WHERE Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam1.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam2.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam3.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam4.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam5.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam6.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam7.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%' OR Keywords LIKE '%"+ accessbarrier__MMColParam8.replace(/'/g, "''") + "%'"; accessbarrier.CursorType = 0; accessbarrier.CursorLocation = 2; accessbarrier.LockType = 1; accessbarrier.Open(); var accessbarrier_numRows = 0; %> <% var Repeat1__numRows = 15; var Repeat1__index = 0; accessbarrier_numRows += Repeat1__numRows; %> <% // *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables // set the record count var accessbarrier_total = accessbarrier.RecordCount; // set the number of rows displayed on this page if (accessbarrier_numRows < 0) { // if repeat region set to all records accessbarrier_numRows = accessbarrier_total; } else if (accessbarrier_numRows == 0) { // if no repeat regions accessbarrier_numRows = 1; } // set the first and last displayed record var accessbarrier_first = 1; var accessbarrier_last = accessbarrier_first + accessbarrier_numRows - 1; // if we have the correct record count, check the other stats if (accessbarrier_total != -1) { accessbarrier_numRows = Math.min(accessbarrier_numRows, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_last, accessbarrier_total); } %> <% // *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record count, manually count them if (accessbarrier_total == -1) { // count the total records by iterating through the recordset for (accessbarrier_total=0; !accessbarrier.EOF; accessbarrier.MoveNext()) { accessbarrier_total++; } // reset the cursor to the beginning if (accessbarrier.CursorType > 0) { if (!accessbarrier.BOF) accessbarrier.MoveFirst(); } else { accessbarrier.Requery(); } // set the number of rows displayed on this page if (accessbarrier_numRows < 0 || accessbarrier_numRows > accessbarrier_total) { accessbarrier_numRows = accessbarrier_total; } // set the first and last displayed record accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_first + accessbarrier_numRows - 1, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, accessbarrier_total); } %> <% var MM_paramName = ""; %> <% // *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables var MM_rs = accessbarrier; var MM_rsCount = accessbarrier_total; var MM_size = accessbarrier_numRows; var MM_uniqueCol = ""; MM_paramName = ""; var MM_offset = 0; var MM_atTotal = false; var MM_paramIsDefined = (MM_paramName != "" && String(Request(MM_paramName)) != "undefined"); %> <% // *** Move To Record: handle 'index' or 'offset' parameter if (!MM_paramIsDefined && MM_rsCount != 0) { // use index parameter if defined, otherwise use offset parameter r = String(Request("index")); if (r == "undefined") r = String(Request("offset")); if (r && r != "undefined") MM_offset = parseInt(r); // if we have a record count, check if we are past the end of the recordset if (MM_rsCount != -1) { if (MM_offset >= MM_rsCount || MM_offset == -1) { // past end or move last if ((MM_rsCount % MM_size) != 0) { // last page not a full repeat region MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount % MM_size); } else { MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size; } } } // move the cursor to the selected record for (var i=0; !MM_rs.EOF && (i < MM_offset || MM_offset == -1); i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } if (MM_rs.EOF) MM_offset = i; // set MM_offset to the last possible record } %> <% // *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range if (MM_rsCount == -1) { // walk to the end of the display range for this page for (var i=MM_offset; !MM_rs.EOF && (MM_size < 0 || i < MM_offset + MM_size); i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } // if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size if (MM_rs.EOF) { MM_rsCount = i; if (MM_size < 0 || MM_size > MM_rsCount) MM_size = MM_rsCount; } // if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size if (MM_rs.EOF && !MM_paramIsDefined) { if ((MM_rsCount % MM_size) != 0) { // last page not a full repeat region MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount % MM_size); } else { MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size; } } // reset the cursor to the beginning if (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) { if (!MM_rs.BOF) MM_rs.MoveFirst(); } else { MM_rs.Requery(); } // move the cursor to the selected record for (var i=0; !MM_rs.EOF && i < MM_offset; i++) { MM_rs.MoveNext(); } } %> <% // *** Move To Record: update recordset stats // set the first and last displayed record accessbarrier_first = MM_offset + 1; accessbarrier_last = MM_offset + MM_size; if (MM_rsCount != -1) { accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, MM_rsCount); accessbarrier_last = Math.min(accessbarrier_last, MM_rsCount); } // set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record MM_atTotal = (MM_rsCount != -1 && MM_offset + MM_size >= MM_rsCount); %> <% // *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters // create the list of parameters which should not be maintained var MM_removeList = "&index="; if (MM_paramName != "") MM_removeList += "&" + MM_paramName.toLowerCase() + "="; var MM_keepURL="",MM_keepForm="",MM_keepBoth="",MM_keepNone=""; // add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string for (var items=new Enumerator(Request.QueryString); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext()) { var nextItem = "&" + items.item().toLowerCase() + "="; if (MM_removeList.indexOf(nextItem) == -1) { MM_keepURL += "&" + items.item() + "=" + Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(items.item())); } } // add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm string for (var items=new Enumerator(Request.Form); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext()) { var nextItem = "&" + items.item().toLowerCase() + "="; if (MM_removeList.indexOf(nextItem) == -1) { MM_keepForm += "&" + items.item() + "=" + Server.URLencode(Request.Form(items.item())); } } // create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL + MM_keepForm; if (MM_keepBoth.length > 0) MM_keepBoth = MM_keepBoth.substring(1); if (MM_keepURL.length > 0) MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL.substring(1); if (MM_keepForm.length > 0) MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm.substring(1); %> <% // *** Move To Record: set the strings for the first, last, next, and previous links var MM_moveFirst="",MM_moveLast="",MM_moveNext="",MM_movePrev=""; var MM_keepMove = MM_keepBoth; // keep both Form and URL parameters for moves var MM_moveParam = "index"; // if the page has a repeated region, remove 'offset' from the maintained parameters if (MM_size > 1) { MM_moveParam = "offset"; if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) { params = MM_keepMove.split("&"); MM_keepMove = ""; for (var i=0; i < params.length; i++) { var nextItem = params[i].substring(0,params[i].indexOf("=")); if (nextItem.toLowerCase() != MM_moveParam) { MM_keepMove += "&" + params[i]; } } if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) MM_keepMove = MM_keepMove.substring(1); } } // set the strings for the move to links if (MM_keepMove.length > 0) MM_keepMove += "&"; var urlStr = Request.ServerVariables("URL") + "?" + MM_keepMove + MM_moveParam + "="; MM_moveFirst = urlStr + "0"; MM_moveLast = urlStr + "-1"; MM_moveNext = urlStr + (MM_offset + MM_size); MM_movePrev = urlStr + Math.max(MM_offset - MM_size,0); %> AAPI Health Literature Database

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AAPI Health Literature Database - Service Utilization

Racial and Ethnic Data Collection and Use in Health Care: Examples of Projects that Might Be Affected by Proposition 54. Oakland, CA: California Healthcare Foundation; 2003 August 2003.

Affonso DD, Korenbrot CC, De AK, Mayberry LJ. Use of Care, Outcomes and Costs of a Culturally-based Perinatal Program for Asian American and Pacific Islander Women in Hawaii. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(1):10-24.

Baker DW, Parker RM, Williams MV, Coates WC, Pitkin K. Use and effectiveness of interpreters in an emergency department. Jama 1996;275(10):783-8.

Blaisdell-Brennan HK, Goebert D. Health care utilization among women on O'ahu: implications for Native Hawaiian women. Pac Health Dialog 2001;8(2):274-9.

Borrayo EA, Salmon JR, Polivka L, Dunlop BD. Utilization across the continuum of long-term care services. Gerontologist 2002;42(5):603-12.

Boult L, Boult C. Underuse of physician services by older Asian-Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1995;43(4):408.

Carlisle DM, Leake BD, Shapiro MF. Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of cardiovascular procedures: Associations with type of health insurance. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(2):263.

Chow TW, Ross L, Fox P, Cummings JL, Lin KM. Utilization of Alzheimer's disease community resources by Asian-Americans in California. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000;15(9):838-47.

Conviser R, Pounds MB. Background for the studies on ancillary services and primary care use. AIDS Care 2002;14(Supplement 1):7-14.

Free C, White P, Shipman C, Dale J. Access to and use of out-of-hours services by members of Vietnamese community groups in South London: a focus Group study. Family Practice 1999;16(4):369-374.

Gellert GA, Maxwell RM, Higgins KV, Mai KK, Loweryb R. Barriers to health care access and utilization among Vietnamese Americans in southern California. Health-and-Place 1995;1(2):91-99.

Giacomini M. Gender and ethnic differences in hospital-based procedure utilization in California. Archives of Internal Medicine 1996;156(11):1217-24.

Gilbert GH, Shah GR, Shelton BJ, Heft MW, Bradford EH, Jr., Chavers LS. Racial differences in predictors of dental care use. Health Serv Res 2002;37(6):1487-507.

Gilman SC, Justice J, Saepharn K, Charles G. Use of traditional and modern health services by Laotian refugees. West J Med 1992;157(3):310-5.

Hadley J, Holahan J. How Much Medical Care Do the Uninsured Use, and Who Pays for It? Health Affairs-Web Exclusive 2003:W366-W381.

Hampers LC, Cha S, Gutglass DJ, Binns HJ, Krug SE. Language barriers and resource utilization in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatrics 1999;103(6 Pt 1):1253-6.

Herrick CA, Brown HN. Underutilization of mental health services by Asian-Americans residing in the United States. Issues Ment Health Nurs 1998;19(3):225-40.

Hsu LD. Understanding Our Users: How to Better Deliver Health Information Online to Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders. Washington, DC: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; 2003 May 2003.

Jang M, Lee E, Woo K. Income, language, and citizenship status: Factors affecting the health care access and utilization of Chinese Americans. Health & Social Work 1998;23(2):136.

Kim M, Han HR, Kim KB, Duong DN. The use of traditional and Western medicine among Korean American elderly. J Community Health 2002;27(2):109-20.

LaVeist TA, Nuru-Jeter A, Jones KE. The association of doctor-patient race concordance with health services utilization. J Public Health Policy 2003;24(3-4):312-23.

Lee GB, Charn TC, Chew ZH, Ng TP. Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with chronic diseases in primary care is associated with perceived quality of care and cultural beliefs. Fam Pract 2004;21(6):654-60.

Ma GX. Barriers to the use of health services by Chinese Americans. J Allied Health 2000;29(2):64-70.

McAlpine D, Call KT. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization of Preventive Services and Barriers to Care Among Minnesota Health Care Program Enrollees. Research Brief, Division of Health Services Research and Policy, University of Minnesota 2004 July 2004.

Middleman AB. Race/ethnicity and gender disparities in the utilization of a school-based hepatitis B immunization initiative. J Adolesc Health 2004;34(5):414-9.

Okada L, Wan T. Patterns of Health Services Utilization in Urban Low-Income Areas. Public Health Reports 1980;95(6):520-534.

Pinhey TK, Iverson TJ, Workman RL. The influence of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on the use of mammography by Asian and Pacific Island women on Guam. Women & Health 1994;21(2-3):57.

Pounds MB, Conviser R, Ashman JJ, Bourassa V. Ryan White Care Act Service Use by Asian/Pacific Islanders and Other Clients in Three California Metropolitan Areas (1997-1998). Journal of Community Health 2002;27(6):403-417.

Qiu Y, Ni H. Utilization of Dental Care Services by Asians and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: United States, 1997-2000. Hyattsville, Maryland: Vital and Health Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics; 2003 June 10, 2003. Report No.: 336.

Ruy H, Young WB, Kwak H. Differences in health insurance and health service utilization among Asian Americans: method for using the NHIS to identify unique patterns between ethnic groups. Int J Health Plann Manage 2002;17(1):55-68.

Ryu H, Young WB, Park C. Korean American health insurance and health services utilization. Res Nurs Health 2001;24(6):494-505.

Shin H, Kim MT, Juon HS, Kim J, Kim KB. Patterns and Factors Associated with Health Care Utilization among Korean American Elderly. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2000;8(2):116-129.

Slater JS, Ha CN, Malone ME, McGovern P, Madigan SD, Finnegan JR, et al. A randomized community trial to increase mammography utilization among low-income women living in public housing. Prev Med 1998;27(6):862-70.

Spencer MS, Chen J. Effect of discrimination on mental health service utilization among Chinese Americans. Am J Public Health 2004;94(5):809-14.

Spring MA, Ross PJ, Etkin NL, Nina L. Sociocultural factors in the use of prenatal care by Hmong women, Minneapolis. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1995;85:1015.

Werner MA, Knobeloch LM, Erbach T, Anderson HA. Use of imported folk remedies and medications in the Wisconsin Hmong community. Wmj 2001;100(7):32-4.

Yi JK. Acculturation, access to care and use preventive health services by Vietnamese women. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1995;3(1):30-41.

Ying Y-W, Hu L-t. Public outpatient mental health services: Use and outcome among Asian Americans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1994;64(3):448.

Yu S, Huang Z, Gopal K. Health Status and Health Services Utilization Among US Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, and Other Asian/Pacific Islander Children. Pediatrics 2004;113(1):101-107.

Yu SM, Alexander GR, Schwalberg R. Prenatal care use among selected Asian American groups. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2001;91(11):1865.

Yu SM, Huang ZJ, Singh GK. Health status and health services utilization among US Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, and other Asian/Pacific Islander Children. Pediatrics 2004;113(1 Pt 1):101-7.

Ziguras S, Klimidis S, Lewis J, Stuart G. Ethnic matching of clients and clinicians and use of mental health services by ethnic minority clients. Psychiatr Serv 2003;54(4):535-41.

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