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AAPI Health Literature Database - Language Barriers & Proficiency

Effects of physician communication style on client medication beliefs and adherence with antidepressant treatment. Patient Education and Counseling 2000;40(2):173-185.

Poor communications, cultural barriers impacting quality of health care for minorities. Qual Lett Healthc Lead 2002;14(4):11-3, 1.

A problem of communication? Diabetes care among Bangladeshi people in Bradford. Health & Social Care in the Community 2003;11(1):45-54.

Bridging Language Barriers in Health Care: Public Opinion Survey of California Immigrants from Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. Woodland Hills, California: The California Endowment; 2003 July 14, 2003.

Beiser M, Hou F. Language acquisition, unemployment and depressive disorder among Southeast Asian refugees: A 10-year study. Social Science & Medicine 2001;53(10):1321.

Betancourt JR, Jacobs EA. Language barriers to informed consent and confidentiality: the impact on women's health. J Am Med Womens Assoc 2000;55(5):294-5.

Boroditsky L. Does language shape thought? Mandarin and English speakers' conceptions of time. Cognit Psychol 2001;43(1):1-22.

Bradby H. Translating culture and language: a research note on multilingual settings. Sociology of Health and Illness [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;24(6):842.

Carrasquillo O, Orav EJ, Brennan TA, Burstin HR. Impact of language barriers on patient satisfaction in an emergency department. J Gen Intern Med 1999;14(2):82-7.

Cave A, Maharaj U, Gibson N, Jackson E. Physicians and immigrant patients. Cross-cultural communication. Can Fam Physician 1995;41:1685-90.

Chalabian J, Dunnington G. Impact of Language Barrier on Quality of Patient Care, Resident Stress, and Teaching. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 1997;9(2):84-90.

Drennan G. Counting the cost of language services in psychiatry. S Afr Med J 1996;86(4):343-5.

Duffy MM, Alexander A. Overcoming language barriers for non-English speaking patients. Anna J 1999;26(5):507-10, 528.

Dunckley M, Hughes R, Addington-Hall J, Higginson I. Language translation of outcome measurement tools: views of health professionals. Int J Palliat Nurs 2003;9(2):49-55.

Enguidanos ER, Rosen P. Language as a factor affecting follow-up compliance from the emergency department. J Emerg Med 1997;15(1):9-12.

Ferguson WJ, Candib LM. Culture, language, and the doctor-patient relationship. Fam Med 2002;34(5):353-61.

Gerrish K. The nature and effect of communication difficulties arising from interactions between district nurses and South Asian patients and their carers. J Adv Nurs 2001;33(5):566-74.

Hampers LC, Cha S, Gutglass DJ, Binns HJ, Krug SE. Language barriers and resource utilization in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatrics 1999;103(6 Pt 1):1253-6.

Hornberger J, Itakura H, Wilson SR. Bridging language and cultural barriers between physicians and patients. Public Health Rep 1997;112(5):410-7.

Hornberger JC, Gibson CD, Jr., Wood W, Dequeldre C, Corso I, Palla B, et al. Eliminating language barriers for non-English-speaking patients. Med Care 1996;34(8):845-56.

Jacobs E, Goldin G. A Volunteers in Healthcare Guide to Overcoming Language Barriers. Pawtucket, RI: Volunteers in Healthcare; 2002.

Jane Cioffi RN. Communicating with culturally and linguistically diverse patients in an acute care setting: nurses' experiences. Int J Nurs Stud 2003;40(3):299-306.

Jang M, Lee E, Woo K. Income, language, and citizenship status: Factors affecting the health care access and utilization of Chinese Americans. Health & Social Work 1998;23(2):136.

Johnson M, Noble C, Matthews C, Aguilar N. Towards culturally competent health care: language use of bilingual staff. Aust Health Rev 1998;21(3):49-66.

McGrath JP, Fegan L. Overcoming language barriers: the work of the Telephone Interpreter Service. RANF Rev 1977;8(9):1-2.

Nacman M, De Garcia E. Interpreters penetrate language barriers. Hospitals 1975;49(16):62-5.

Ngo-Metzger Q, Massagli MP, Clarridge BR, Manocchia M, Davis RB, Iezzoni LI, et al. Linguistic and cultural barriers to care. J Gen Intern Med 2003;18(1):44-52.

Odegard PS, Lam A, Chun A, Blough D, Li MA, Wu J. Pharmacist provision of language-appropriate education for Asian patients with asthma. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash DC) 2004;44(4):472-7.

Sarver J, Baker DW. Effect of language barriers on follow-up appointments after an emergency department visit. J Gen Intern Med 2000;15(4):256-64.

Shaw-Taylor Y. Culturally and linguistically appropriate health care for racial or ethnic minorities: analysis of the US Office of Minority Health's recommended standards. Health Policy 2002;62(2):211-221.

Skelton JR, Kai J, Loudon RF. Cross-cultural communication in medicine: questions for educators. Medical Education 2001;35(3):257-261.

Sleath B, Rubin RH, Campbell W, Gwyther L, Clark T. Ethnicity and Physician-Older Patient Communication About Alternative Therapies. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2001;7(4):329-335.

Sleath B, Rubin RH, Campbell W, Gwyther L, Clark T. Physician-patient communication about over-the-counter medications. Social Science and Medicine 2001;53(3):357-369.

Smith S, Gonzales V. All health plans need CLAMs (culturally and linguistically appropriate materials). Healthplan 2000;41(5):45-8.

Stover GN. Colorful communities: Toward a language of inclusion. American Journal of Public Health 2002;92(4):512.

Taylor DM, Wolfe R, Cameron PA. Complaints from emergency department patients largely result from treatment and communication problems. Emerg Med (Fremantle) 2002;14(1):43-9.

Thomas VN. Communication and health in a multi-ethnic society - Mark Robinson; The Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 1 86 134 341 8. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2003;40(3):333.

Turner CF, Rogers SM, Hendershot TP. Improving representation of linguistic minorities in health surveys. Public Health Reports [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1996;111:276.

Woloshin S, Schwartz LM, Katz SJ, Welch HG. Is language a barrier to the use of preventive services? J Gen Intern Med 1997;12(8):472-7.

Yu SM, Huang ZJ, Schwalberg RH, Overpeck MD, Kogan MD. Association of language spoken at home with health and school issues among Asian American adolescents. J Sch Health 2002;72(5):192-8.

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