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AAPI Health Literature Database - HIV/AIDS

Bau I. Asians and Pacific Islanders and HIV prevention community planning. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):77-93.

Bhattacharya G. Health care seeking for HIV/AIDS among South Asians in the United States. Health Soc Work 2004;29(2):106-15.

Chin D. HIV-related sexual risk assessment among Asian/Pacific islander American women: An inductive model. Social Science & Medicine 1999;49(2):241.

Chng CL, Sy FS, Choi ST, Bau I, Astudillo R. Asian and Pacific Islander American HIV community-based organizations: a nationwide survey. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):48-60.

Chng CL, Wong FY, Park RJ, Edberg MC, Lai DS. A model for understanding sexual health among Asian American/Pacific Islander men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States. AIDS Educ Prev 2003;15(1 Suppl A):21-38.

Choi KH, Han CS, Hudes ES, Kegeles S. Unprotected sex and associated risk factors among young Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex with men. AIDS Educ Prev 2002;14(6):472-81.

Choi KH, McFarland W, Kihara M. HIV prevention for Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex with men: identifying needs for the Asia Pacific region. AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(1):v-vii.

Choi KH, McFarland W, Neilands TB, Nguyen S, Louie B, Secura GM, et al. An opportunity for prevention: prevalence, incidence, and sexual risk for HIV among young Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex with men, San Francisco. Sex Transm Dis 2004;31(8):475-80.

Choi KH, Operario D, Gregorich SE, Han L. Age and race mixing patterns of sexual partnerships among Asian men who have sex with men: implications for HIV transmission and prevention. AIDS Educ Prev 2003;15(1 Suppl A):53-65.

Choi KH, Yep GA, Kumekawa E. HIV prevention among Asian and Pacific Islander American men who have sex with men: a critical review of theoretical models and directions for future research. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):19-30.

Cooper M, Loue S, Lloyd LS. Perceived susceptibility to HIV infection among Asian and Pacific Islander women in San Diego. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2001;12(2):208-23.

Cuthbert-Allman C, Chausse M. Crossing cultural barriers to care for people with AIDS. Caring 1996;15(8):14-8.

Ghosh C. Healthy People 2010 and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders: defining a baseline of information. Am J Public Health 2003;93(12):2093-8.

Haour-Knipe M, Fleury F, Dubois-Arber F. HIV/AIDS prevention for migrants and ethnic minorities: three phases of evaluation. Social Science and Medicine 1999;49(10):1357-1372.

Jemmott LS, Maula EC, Bush E. Hearing our voices: assessing HIV prevention needs among Asian and Pacific Islander women. J Transcult Nurs 1999;10(2):102-11.

Jones SG, Messmer PR, Charron SA, Parns M. HIV-Positive Women and Minority Patients' Satisfaction with Inpatient Hospital Care. AIDS PATIENT CARE and STDs 2002;16(3):127-134.

Kanuha VK. The impact of sexuality and race/ethnicity on HIV/AIDS risk among Asian and Pacific Island American (A/PIA) gay and bisexual men in Hawai'i. AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(6):505-18.

Lew S. HIV prevention among Asian and Pacific Islander American men who have sex with men: theories, research, applications, and policies. Introduction. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):1-2.

Loue S, Lane SD, Lloyd LS, Loh L. Integrating Buddhism and HIV prevention in U.S. southeast Asian communities. J Health Care Poor Underserved 1999;10(1):100-21.

Loue S, Lloyd LS, Phoombour E. Organizing Asian Pacific Islanders in an urban community to reduce HIV risk: a case study. AIDS Educ Prev 1996;8(5):381-93.

McFarland W, Chen S, Weide D, Kohn R, Klausner J. Gay Asian men in San Francisco follow the international trend: increases in rates of unprotected anal intercourse and sexually transmitted diseases, 1999-2002. AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(1):13-8.

Messeri PA, Abramson DM, Aidala AA, Lee F, Lee G. The impact of ancillary HIV services on engagement in medical care in New York City. AIDS Care 2002;14(Supplement 1):15-29.

Middleman AB. Race/ethnicity and gender disparities in the utilization of a school-based hepatitis B immunization initiative. J Adolesc Health 2004;34(5):414-9.

Morin SF, Sengupta S, Cozen M. Responding to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Use of HIV Drugs: Analysis of State Policies. Public Health Reports [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;117(3):263.

Nemoto T, Aoki B, Huang K, Morris A, Le MN, Nguyen H, et al. HIV risk behaviors among Asian drug users in San Francisco. AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(2):126-40.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Keatley J, Han L, Soma T. HIV risk behaviors among male-to-female transgender persons of color in San Francisco. Am J Public Health 2004;94(7):1193-9.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Soma T. Risk behaviors of Filipino methamphetamine users in San Francisco: implications for prevention and treatment of drug use and HIV. Public Health Rep 2002;117 Suppl 1:S30-8.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Soma T, Bao D, Vajrabukka A, Crisostomo V. HIV risk and prevention among Asian/Pacific Islander men who have sex with men: listen to our stories. AIDS Educ Prev 2003;15(1 Suppl A):7-20.

Nemoto T, Wong FY, Ching A, Chng CL, Bouey P, Henrickson M, et al. HIV seroprevalence, risk behaviors, and cognitive factors among Asian and Pacific Islander American men who have sex with men: a summary and critique of empirical studies and methodological issues. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):31-47.

Perez C. Guam: the role of people living with HIV / AIDS in the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STD in the Pacific. Pac AIDS Alert Bull 2000(19):10.

Reid PT. Women, Ethnicity, and AIDS: What's Love Got to Do with It? Sex Roles 2000;42(7/8):709-722.

Reilley BA. The National Task Force on Hepatitis B Immunization, Focus on Asians and Pacific Islanders: a chronicle of achievement. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2001;9(2):112-37.

Sacks R. The other epidemic: AIDS among Asian-Americans. Body Posit 1999;12(6):21-5.

Schuster MA, Bell RM, Nakajima GA, Kanouse DE. The sexual practices of Asian and Pacific Islander high school students. J Adolesc Health 1998;23(4):221-31.

Shapiro J, Vives G. Demographic and attitudinal variables related to high-risk behaviors in Asian males who have sex with other men. AIDS Patient Care STDS 1999;13(11):667-75.

Sneed CD, Chin D, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Milburn NG, Murphy DA, Corby N, et al. Test-retest reliability for self-reports of sexual behavior among Thai and Korean respondents. AIDS Educ Prev 2001;13(4):302-10.

Sy FS, Chng CL, Choi ST, Wong FY. Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS among Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):4-18.

Wong FY, Campsmith ML, Nakamura GV, Crepaz N, Begley E. HIV testing and awareness of care-related services among a group of HIV-positive Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States: findings from a supplemental HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project. AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(5):440-7.

Wong FY, Chng CL, Lo W. A profile of six community-based HIV prevention programs targeting Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. AIDS Educ Prev 1998;10(3 Suppl):61-76.

Wortley PM, Metler RP, Hu DJ, Fleming PL. AIDS among Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Am J Prev Med 2000;18(3):208-14.

Yoshikawa H, Wilson PA, Chae DH, Cheng JF. Do family and friendship networks protect against the influence of discrimination on mental health and HIV risk among Asian and Pacific Islander gay men? AIDS Educ Prev 2004;16(1):84-100.

Yoshikawa H, Wilson PA, Hsueh J, Rosman EA, Chin J, Kim JH. What front-line CBO staff can tell us about culturally anchored theories of behavior change in HIV prevention for Asian/Pacific Islanders. Am J Community Psychol 2003;32(1-2):143-58.

Yoshioka MR, Schustack A. Disclosure of HIV Status: Cultural Issues of Asian Patients. AIDS PATIENT CARE and STDs 2001;15(2):77-82.

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