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accessbarrier.CursorType = 0; accessbarrier.CursorLocation = 2; accessbarrier.LockType = 1; accessbarrier.Open(); var accessbarrier_numRows = 0; %> <% var Repeat1__numRows = 15; var Repeat1__index = 0; accessbarrier_numRows += Repeat1__numRows; %> <% // *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables // set the record count var accessbarrier_total = accessbarrier.RecordCount; // set the number of rows displayed on this page if (accessbarrier_numRows < 0) { // if repeat region set to all records accessbarrier_numRows = accessbarrier_total; } else if (accessbarrier_numRows == 0) { // if no repeat regions accessbarrier_numRows = 1; } // set the first and last displayed record var accessbarrier_first = 1; var accessbarrier_last = accessbarrier_first + accessbarrier_numRows - 1; // if we have the correct record count, check the other stats if (accessbarrier_total != -1) { accessbarrier_numRows = Math.min(accessbarrier_numRows, accessbarrier_total); accessbarrier_first = Math.min(accessbarrier_first, accessbarrier_total); 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AAPI Health Literature Database - General Health Information

First NCHS study to compare health status of Asian groups. Public Health Reports [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1998;113(6):557.

Domestic Violence in Asian and Pacific Islander Communities Fact Sheet. "San Francisco, CA": Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence; 2002 December 2002.

America's Health: State Health Rankings-A Call to Action for People & Their Communities. "Minnetonka, MN": United Health Foundation; 2003.

Key Facts: Race, Ethnicity, and Medical Care. "Washington, DC": Kaiser Family Foundation; 2003.

Office of Research Integrity Annual Report 2002. "Rockville, MD": "Office of Integrity, Department of Health and Human Services"; 2003 Novermber 2003.

Andersen R, Harada N, Chiu V, Makinodan T. Application of the Behavioral Model to Health Studies of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1995;3(2):128-141.

Anonymous. Minority Health in America: Findings and Policy Implications From the Commonwealth Fund Minority Health Survey. American Journal of Public Health 2000;90(11):1794.

Association SAPH. A Brown Paper: The Health of South Asians. 2002.

Azaroff LS, Levenstein C, Wegman DH. Occupational health of Southeast Asian immigrants in a US city: a comparison of data sources. Am J Public Health 2003;93(4):593-8.

Barbar SI, Enright PL, Boyle P, Foley D, Sharp DS, Petrovitch H, et al. Sleep disturbances and their correlates in elderly Japanese American men residing in Hawaii. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2000;55(7):M406-11.

Bindman AB, Grumbach K, Osmond D, Vranizan K, Stewart AL. Primary care and receipt of preventive services. J Gen Intern Med 1996;11(5):269-76.

Blumenthal D, Mort E, Edwards J. The Efficiency of Primary Care for Vulnerable Population Groups. Health Services Research 1995;30:197-206.

Blustein J, Hanson K, Shea S. Preventable Hospitalizations and Socioeconomic Status. Health Affairs 1998;16(3):177-189.

Boehmer U, Kressin NR, Berlowitz DR, Christiansen CL, al e. Self-reported vs administrative race/ethnicity data and study results. American Journal of Public Health 2002;92(9):1471.

Brugge D, Lai Z, Hill C, Rand W. Traffic injury data, policy, and public health: lessons from Boston Chinatown. J Urban Health 2002;79(1):87-103.

Chan C. A study of health services for the Chinese minority in Manchester. Br J Community Nurs 2000;5(3):140-7.

Chang DF, Chun CA, Takeuchi DT, Shen H. SF-36 health survey: tests of data quality, scaling assumptions, and reliability in a community sample of Chinese Americans. Med Care 2000;38(5):542-8.

Cheadle A, Sullivan M, Krieger J, Ciske S, Shaw M, Schier JK, et al. Using a participatory approach to provide assistance to community-based organizations: the Seattle Partners Community Research Center. Health Educ Behav 2002;29(3):383-94.

Chen MS. Potential of the Executive Order Increasing the Participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Federal Programs. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(1):3-4.

Cho Y, Hummer RA. Disability status differentials across fifteen Asian and Pacific Islander groups and the effect of nativity and duration of residence in the U.S. Soc Biol 2001;48(3-4):171-95.

Chung H, Nguyen D, Gany F. Initial behavioral health assessment of Asian Americans. Part 1. Key principles. West J Med 2002;176(4):233-6.

Cross NA, Kim KK, Yu ES, Chen EH, Kim J. Assessment of the diet quality of middle-aged and older adult Korean Americans living in Chicago. J Am Diet Assoc 2002;102(4):552-4.

Cruz FAd, McBride MR, Compas LB, Calixto PR, Derveer CPV. White paper on the health status of Filipino Americans and recommendations for research. Nurs Outlook 2002;50(1):7-15.

Dhooper SS. Health care needs of foreign-born Asian Americans: an overview. Health Soc Work 2003;28(1):63-73.

Euler GL. Changing the Legacy for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1998;6(2):304-310.

Ginzberg E. Improving Health Care for the Poor. Journal of the American Association 1994;271:464-467.

Goodman DC, Mick SS, Bott D, Stukel T, Chang C-H, Marth N, et al. Primary Care Service Areas: A New Tool for the Evaluation of Primary Care Services. Health Services Research 2003;38(1):287-309.

Gould JB, Madan A, Qin C, Chavez G. Perinatal Outcomes in Two Dissimilar Immigrant Populations in the United States: A Dual Epidemiologic Paradox. Pediatrics 2003;111(6):e676-e682.

Halsted DD, Varman B, Sullivan M, Nguyen L. Consumer Health Information for Asians (CHIA): a collaborative project. J Med Libr Assoc 2002;90(4):400-5.

Haynes C. Ethnic minority health : a selected, annotated bibliography. "Lanham, MD": Medical Library Association and Scarecrow Press; 1997.

Hsu HC. Relationships between quality of sleep and its related factors among elderly Chinese immigrants in the Seattle area. J Nurs Res 2001;9(5):179-90.

Hummer RA, Rogers RG, Nam CB. Race/ethnicity, nativity, and U.S. adult mortality. Social Science Quarterly [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1999;80(1):136.

Judd NL, Sing PM. Imi Ho'ola post-baccalaureate program: recruitment, retention, and graduation of Asian American and Pacific Islander students in medicine. Pac Health Dialog 2001;8(2):446-9.

Kagawa-Singer M. Providing resources for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Cancer Pract 2001;9(2):100-3.

Kiyak HA, Kamoh A, Persson RE, Persson GR. Ethnicity and oral health in community-dwelling older adults. Gen Dent 2002;50(6):513-8.

Koh HK, Koh HC. Health Issues in Korean Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1993;1(2):176-193.

Kroll SM, Brandigan PS. MEDLINE Search Strategies for Literature on Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1993;1(1):56-62.

Kuo J, Porter K. Health status of Asian Americans: United States, 1992-94. Adv Data 1998(298):1-16.

Kwon IW, Bae M. Health status of Asian Pacific Americans in Missouri. Mo Med 1995;92(10):648-52.

Levenick M. Hmong and prenatal care. J Cult Divers 2001;8(1):26-9.

Lewis-Idema DR, al e. FQHC:Harnessing the Incentives of Cost Reimbursement. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 1998;21(2):58-75.

Lin S. Leadership in Health Policy for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1996;4(1-3):210-213.

Lin-Fu JS. Population characteristics and health care needs of Asian Pacific Americans. Public Health Rep 1988;103(1):18-27.

Lin-Fu JS. Health Care Reform: A Caucus of Asian American Health Workers' Perspective. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1994;2(1):13-17.

Louie K. Panel on Health Data for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Potential Solutions. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1996;4(1-3):72-75.

Louie KB. White paper on the health status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and recommendations for research. Nurs Outlook 2001;49(4):173-8.

M. S. Chen J. A 1993 Status Report on the Health Status of Asian Pacific Islander Americans: Comparisons with Healthy People 2000 Objectives. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1993;1(1):37-55.

M. S. Chen J. KEYNOTE ADDRESS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HEALTH OF CHINESE IN NORTH AMERICA: Health Status of Chinese Americans: Challenges and Opportunities. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1995;3(1):8-16.

M. S. Chen J. Healthy People 2010 and its Importance and Implications for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2000;8(2):85-112.

Macbeth H, Shetty P. Health and ethnicity. London: Taylor & Francis; 2001.

Maglaveras N, Chouvarda I, Koutkias V, Meletiadis S, Haris K, Balas EA. Information technology can enhance quality in regional health delivery. Methods Inf Med 2002;41(5):393-400.

McCuddin CR, Miike LH, Pangelinan V, Franco RW. Pacific Americans and the National Health Care Act: Where we fit. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1994;2(3):213-253.

Ngo-Metzger Q, Massagli MP, Clarridge B, Manocchia M, Davis RB, Iezzoni LI, et al. Patient-centered quality measures for Asian Americans: research in progress. Am J Med Qual 2000;15(4):167-73.

Nguyen TPL, Briancon S, Empereur F, Guillemin F. Factors determining inpatient satisfaction with care. Social Science and Medicine 2002;54(4):493-504.

Pearl M, Braveman P, Abrams B. The relationship of neighborhood socioeconomic charateristics to birthweight among 5 ethnic groups in California. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2001;91(11):1808.

Sakamoto M, Vaughan J, Tobias B. Occupational health surveillance strategies for an ethnically diverse Asian employee population. Aaohn J 2001;49(5):235-42.

Singh GK, Yu SM. Pregnancy Outcomes Among Asian Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1993;1(1):63-78.

Srinivasan S, Guillermo T. Toward improved health: Disaggregating Asian American and Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander data. American Journal of Public Health 2000;90(11):1731.

Stanton MW, Rutherford MK. Reducing Costs in the Health Care System: Learning From What Has Been Done. "Rockville, MD": Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2002 September 2002.

Tanjasiri SP, Wallace SP, Shibata K. Picture imperfect: hidden problems among Asian Pacific Islander elderly. The Gerontologist [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 1995;35:753.

Theuer CP. Asian gastric cancer patients at a southern California comprehensive cancer center are diagnosed with less advanced disease and have superior stage-stratified survival. Am Surg 2000;66(9):821-6.

Trevino FM. Quality of Health Care for Ethnic/Racial Minority Populations. Ethnicity and Health 1999;4(3):153-164.

Ulincy LD, al. e. Asian/Pacific Islander American health : January 1990 through March 1995 : 1197 citations. In: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section; 1995.

Weaver CN. Contribution of job satisfaction to happiness of Asian Americans. Psychol Rep 2001;89(1):191-8.

Weaver CN, Hinson S. Job satisfaction of Asian Americans. Psychol Rep 2000;86(2):586-94.

Yang LM. Hmong Health and the U.S. Health Care System. (Health & Human Services).(Brief Article). Michigan Academician 2002;32(1):45.

Yu ES. An Overview of the U.S. Health Data for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Sources, Limitations, and Potential Solutions. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1996;4(1-3):68-71.

Yu ESH, Liu WT. US National Health Data on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: A Research Agenda for the 1990s. American Journal of Public Health 1992;82(12):1645.

Zane NWS, Takeuchi DT, Young KNJ. Confronting critical health issues of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. "Thousand Oaks, CA": Sage Publications; 1994.

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