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AAPI Health Literature Database - Health Disparities

Unequal Treatment: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare. "Washington, DC": Institute of Medicine; 2002 March 2002.

Multicultural Health Disparities. "Sacramento, CA": California Department of Health Services; 2003 April 2003.

Institute of Medicine. Unequal treatment : confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. "Washington, DC": National Academies Press; 2003.

Brach C, Fraser I. Reducing Disparities through Culturally Competent Health Care: An Analysis of the Business Case. Quality Management in Health Care 2002;10(4):15-28.

Brown RE, Ojeda VE, Wyn R, Levan R. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Health Insurance and Health Care. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; 2000 Apr.

Bullas S. Diversity, equal access and information. Informatics in Primary Care 2003;11(1):33-36.

Carlisle DM, Leake BD, Shapiro MF. Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of cardiovascular procedures: Associations with type of health insurance. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(2):263.

Carter-Pokras O, Baquet C. What is a Health Disparity? Public Health Reports 2002;117:426-434.

Chin JL. Eliminating Disparities by 2010: Culturally Competent Research for Asian Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(2):165-166.

Chui SY, Lyerly HK. Disparities in breast carcinoma treatment in Asian/Pacific Islander women. A challenge to the provider. Cancer 2002;95(11):2257-9.

Fiscella K, Franks P, Doescher MP, Saver BG. Disparities in health care by race, ethnicity, and language among the insured: findings from a national sample. Med Care 2002;40(1):52-9.

Ho R. Disparities in Cancer Treatment Outcomes among Asian Americans: Implications for the Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2000;8(1):39-42.

Kass-Bartelmes BL, Altman BM. Disparities and Gender Gaps in WomenÆs Health, 1996. "Rockville, MD": "U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality"; 2001.

Mays VM, Yancey AK, Cochran SD. Heterogeneity of health disparities among African American, Hispanic, and Asian American women: unrecognized influences of sexual orientation. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;92(4):632.

Morin SF, Sengupta S, Cozen M. Responding to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Use of HIV Drugs: Analysis of State Policies. Public Health Reports [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;117(3):263.

Nazroo JY. Genetic, Cultural or Socio-economic Vulnerability? Explaining Ethnic Inequalities in Health. Sociology of Health & Illness 1998;20(5):710-730.

Politzer RM, Yoon J, Shi L, Hughes RG, Regan J, Gaston MH. Inequality in America: The Contribution of Health Centers in reducing and Eliminating Disparities in Access to Care. Medical Care Research and Review 2001;58(2):234-248.

Taira DA, Seto TB, Marciel C. Ethnic disparities in care following acute coronary syndromes among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during the initial hospitalization. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2001;47(7):1209-15.

Tanjasiri SP, Kagawa-Singer M, Nguyen T-U, Foo MA. Collaborative Research as an Essential Component for Addressing Cancer Disparities Among Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander Women. Health Promotion Practice 2002;3(2):144-154.

Trevino FM. Quality of Health Care for Ethnic/Racial Minority Populations. Ethnicity and Health 1999;4(3):153-164.

Williams DR, Rucker TD. Understanding and addressing racial disparities in health care. Health Care Financ Rev 2000;21(4):75-90.

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AAPI Health Literature Database - Health Disparities

Unequal Treatment: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare. "Washington, DC": Institute of Medicine; 2002 March 2002.

Multicultural Health Disparities. "Sacramento, CA": California Department of Health Services; 2003 April 2003.

Institute of Medicine. Unequal treatment : confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. "Washington, DC": National Academies Press; 2003.

Brach C, Fraser I. Reducing Disparities through Culturally Competent Health Care: An Analysis of the Business Case. Quality Management in Health Care 2002;10(4):15-28.

Brown RE, Ojeda VE, Wyn R, Levan R. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Health Insurance and Health Care. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; 2000 Apr.

Bullas S. Diversity, equal access and information. Informatics in Primary Care 2003;11(1):33-36.

Carlisle DM, Leake BD, Shapiro MF. Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of cardiovascular procedures: Associations with type of health insurance. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(2):263.

Carter-Pokras O, Baquet C. What is a Health Disparity? Public Health Reports 2002;117:426-434.

Chin JL. Eliminating Disparities by 2010: Culturally Competent Research for Asian Americans. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 1999;7(2):165-166.

Chui SY, Lyerly HK. Disparities in breast carcinoma treatment in Asian/Pacific Islander women. A challenge to the provider. Cancer 2002;95(11):2257-9.

Fiscella K, Franks P, Doescher MP, Saver BG. Disparities in health care by race, ethnicity, and language among the insured: findings from a national sample. Med Care 2002;40(1):52-9.

Ho R. Disparities in Cancer Treatment Outcomes among Asian Americans: Implications for the Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training. Asian Am Pac Isl J Health 2000;8(1):39-42.

Kass-Bartelmes BL, Altman BM. Disparities and Gender Gaps in WomenÆs Health, 1996. "Rockville, MD": "U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality"; 2001.

Mays VM, Yancey AK, Cochran SD. Heterogeneity of health disparities among African American, Hispanic, and Asian American women: unrecognized influences of sexual orientation. American Journal of Public Health [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;92(4):632.

Morin SF, Sengupta S, Cozen M. Responding to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Use of HIV Drugs: Analysis of State Policies. Public Health Reports [H.W. Wilson - SSA] 2002;117(3):263.

Nazroo JY. Genetic, Cultural or Socio-economic Vulnerability? Explaining Ethnic Inequalities in Health. Sociology of Health & Illness 1998;20(5):710-730.

Politzer RM, Yoon J, Shi L, Hughes RG, Regan J, Gaston MH. Inequality in America: The Contribution of Health Centers in reducing and Eliminating Disparities in Access to Care. Medical Care Research and Review 2001;58(2):234-248.

Taira DA, Seto TB, Marciel C. Ethnic disparities in care following acute coronary syndromes among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during the initial hospitalization. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2001;47(7):1209-15.

Tanjasiri SP, Kagawa-Singer M, Nguyen T-U, Foo MA. Collaborative Research as an Essential Component for Addressing Cancer Disparities Among Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander Women. Health Promotion Practice 2002;3(2):144-154.

Trevino FM. Quality of Health Care for Ethnic/Racial Minority Populations. Ethnicity and Health 1999;4(3):153-164.

Williams DR, Rucker TD. Understanding and addressing racial disparities in health care. Health Care Financ Rev 2000;21(4):75-90.

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