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AAPI Health Literature Database - Cancer Screening

Arnsberger P, Nussey B, Fox P, Breuer W. Cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer among Asian Pacific Islander women in a cervical cancer screening program. Health Care Women Int 2002;23(5):450-9.

Bhardwaj U, Zhang YH, Blackburn W, McCabe LL, McCabe ER. Rapid confirmation of Southeast Asian and Filipino alpha-thalassemia genotypes from newborn screening specimens. Am J Hematol 2002;71(1):56-8.

Chen JY, Diamant AL, Kagawa-Singer M, Pourat N, Wold C. Disaggregating data on Asian and Pacific Islander women to assess cancer screening. Am J Prev Med 2004;27(2):139-45.

Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ. Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Asian and Pacific Islander women in the United States, 1994-1997. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9(6):597-603.

Dignan M, Michielutte R, Blinson K, Wells HB, Case LD, Sharp P, et al. Effectiveness of health education to increase screening for cervical cancer among eastern-band Cherokee Indian women in North Carolina. J Natl Cancer Inst 1996;88(22):1670-6.

Gotay CC, Banner RO, Matsunaga DS, Hedlund N, Enos R, Issell BF, et al. Impact of a culturally appropriate intervention on breast and cervical screening among native Hawaiian women. Prev Med 2000;31(5):529-37.

Han Y, Williams RD, Harrison RA. Breast cancer screening knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Korean American women. Oncol Nurs Forum 2000;27(10):1585-91.

Harlan L, Bernstein A, Kessler L. Cervical Cancer Screening: Who is not Screened and Why. American Journal of Public Health 1991;81(7):885-890.

Hislop TG, Deschamps M, Teh C, Jackson C, Tu SP, Yasui Y, et al. Facilitators and barriers to cervical cancer screening among Chinese Canadian women. Can J Public Health 2003;94(1):68-73.

Honda K. Factors associated with colorectal cancer screening among the US urban Japanese population. Am J Public Health 2004;94(5):815-22.

Juon HS, Choi Y, Kim MT. Cancer screening behaviors among Korean-American women. Cancer Detect Prev 2000;24(6):589-601.

Kagawa-Singer M, Pourat N. Asian American and Pacific Islander breast and cervical carcinoma screening rates and healthy people 2000 objectives. Cancer 2000;89(3):696-705.

Kim K, Yu ES, Chen EH, Kim J, Brintnall RA. Colorectal cancer screening. Knowledge and practices among Korean Americans. Cancer Pract 1998;6(3):167-75.

Lee MC. Knowledge, barriers, and motivators related to cervical cancer screening among Korean-American women. A focus group approach. Cancer Nurs 2000;23(3):168-75.

Liang W, Yuan E, Mandelblatt JS, Pasick RJ. How do older Chinese women view health and cancer screening? Results from focus groups and implications for interventions. Ethn Health 2004;9(3):283-304.

LoBue PA, Moser KS. Screening of immigrants and refugees for pulmonary tuberculosis in San Diego County, California. Chest 2004;126(6):1777-82.

Maxwell AE, Bastani R, Warda US. Demographic predictors of cancer screening among Filipino and Korean immigrants in the United States. Am J Prev Med 2000;18(1):62-8.

Mishra SI, Luce PH, Hubbell FA. Breast Cancer Screening among American Samoan Women. Preventive Medicine 2001;33(1):9-17.

Misra R, Vadaparampil ST. Personal cancer prevention and screening practices among Asian Indian physicians in the United States. Cancer Detect Prev 2004;28(4):269-76.

Moore MA, Tajima K. Cervical cancer in the asian pacific-epidemiology, screening and treatment. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2004;5(4):349-61.

Moskowitz JM, Kazinets G, Tager IB, al e. Breast- and Cervical-Cancer Screening Among Korean Women --- Santa Clara County, California, 1994 and 2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2004 August 27, 2004:765-767.

Nguyen T, McPhee S, Lam T, Mock J. Predictors of cervical Pap smear screening awareness, intention, and receipt among Vietnamese-American women. Am J Prev Med 2002;23(3):207.

Paskett ED, Tatum CM, D'Agostino R, Jr., Rushing J, Velez R, Michielutte R, et al. Community-based interventions to improve breast and cervical cancer screening: results of the Forsyth County Cancer Screening (FoCaS) Project. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8(5):453-9.

Ponce N, Gatchell M, Brown ER. Cancer Screening rates Among Asian Ethnic Groups. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; 2003 November 2003.

Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V, Colagiuri S. Detecting undiagnosed diabetes in urban Asian Indians--role of opportunistic screening. J Assoc Physicians India 2004;52:545-6.

Regan J, Lefkowitz B, Gaston MH. Cancer Screening Among Community Health Center Women: Eliminating the Gaps. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 1999;22(4):45-52.

Sadler GR, Dong HS, Ko CM, Luu TT, Nguyen HP. Vietnamese American women: breast cancer knowledge, attitudes, and screening adherence. Am J Health Promot 2001;15(4):211-4, ii.

Sadler GR, Wang K, Wang M, Ko CM. Chinese women: behaviors and attitudes toward breast cancer education and screening. Womens Health Issues 2000;10(1):20-6.

Schulmeister L, Lifsey DS. Cervical cancer screening knowledge, behaviors, and beliefs of Vietnamese women. Oncol Nurs Forum 1999;26(5):879-87.

Seow A, Huang J, Straughan PT. Effects of social support, regular physician and health-related attitudes on cervical cancer screening in an Asian population. Cancer Causes and Control 2000;11(3):223-230.

Stokes SC, Thompson LW, Murphy S, Gallagher-Thompson D. Screening for depression in immigrant Chinese-American elders: Results of a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 2001;36(1-2):27.

Sun WY, Basch CE, Wolf RL, Li XJ. Factors associated with colorectal cancer screening among Chinese-Americans. Prev Med 2004;39(2):323-9.

Tanjasiri SP, Kagawa-Singer M, Foo MA, Chao M, Linayao-Putman I, Lor YC, et al. Breast cancer screening among Hmong women in California. J Cancer Educ 2001;16(1):50-4.

Tanjasiri SP, LeHa'uli P, Finau S, Fehoko I, Skeen NA. Tongan-American women's breast cancer knowledge, attitudes, and screening behaviors. Ethn Dis 2002;12(2):284-90.

Tanjasiri SP, Sablan-Santos L. Breast cancer screening among Chamorro women in southern California. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 2001;10(5):479-85.

Taylor VM, Carey Jackson J, Yasui Y, Kuniyuki A, Acorda E, Marchand A, et al. Evaluation of an outreach intervention to promote cervical cancer screening among Cambodian American women. Cancer Detection and Prevention 2002;26(4):320-327.

Taylor VM, Hislop TG, Jackson JC, Tu SP, Yasui Y, Schwartz SM, et al. A randomized controlled trial of interventions to promote cervical cancer screening among Chinese women in North America. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94(9):670-7.

Taylor VM, Jackson JC, Tu SP, Yasui Y, Schwartz SM, Kuniyuki A, et al. Cervical cancer screening among Chinese Americans. Cancer Detect Prev 2002;26(2):139-45.

Tu SP, Yasui Y, Kuniyuki A, Schwartz SM, Jackson JC, Taylor VM. Breast cancer screening: stages of adoption among Cambodian American women. Cancer Detect Prev 2002;26(1):33-41.

Tu SP, Yasui Y, Kuniyuki A, Thompson B, Schwartz SM, Jackson JC, et al. Breast cancer screening among Cambodian American women. Cancer Detect Prev 2000;24(6):549-63.

Tu S-P, Taplin SH, Barlow WE, Boyko EJ. Breast cancer screening by Asian-American women in a managed care environment - an appropriate sampling frame for a dispersed population with characteristic surnames. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1999;17(1):55-61.

Wu TY, Yu MY. Reliability and validity of the mammography screening beliefs questionnaire among Chinese American women. Cancer Nurs 2003;26(2):131-42.

Yeung A, Howarth S, Chan R, Sonawalla S, Nierenberg AA, Fava M. Use of the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory for screening depression in primary care. J Nerv Ment Dis 2002;190(2):94-9.

Yeung A, Neault N, Sonawalla S, Howarth S, Fava M, Nierenberg AA. Screening for major depression in Asian-Americans: a comparison of the Beck and the Chinese Depression Inventory. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002;105(4):252-7.

Yi JK. Factors associated with cervical cancer screening behavior among Vietnamese women. Journal of Community Health 1994;19(3):189.

Yu ES, Kim KK, Chen EH, Brintnall RA. Breast and cervical cancer screening among Chinese American women. Cancer Pract 2001;9(2):81-91.

Yu MY, Seetoo AD, Hong OS, Song L, Raizade R, Weller AL. Cancer screening promotion among medically underserved Asian American women: integration of research and practice. Res Theory Nurs Pract 2002;16(4):237-48.

Yu MY, Seetoo AD, Qu M. Challenges of identifying asian women for breast cancer screening. Oncol Nurs Forum 2002;29(3):585-7.

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